gyro setting mechanism 陀螺定向角装定器
gyro spinning and unlocking mechanism 陀螺定向仪旋转和解锁机构
circle setting mechanism mechanism 度盘安置机构
gyro theory (gyro-stabilizer) 回转仪理论
hoisting mechanism and walking mechanism 计算
three-dimensional mechanism (spacial mechanism) 立体机构
AGP-1 Auto Gyro Station AGP-1自动陀螺全站仪
angular momentum gyro 角动量陀螺仪
angular rate gyro 角速率陀螺
Anschutz gyro compass 故障分量正序电抗; 安修茨陀螺罗经
antenna gyro-stabilized platform 天线稳定平台
asco-gyro 天文电罗经; 天文罗经定向旋转仪
attitude gyro 姿态陀螺仪
attitude gyro coupling unit 姿态陀螺仪接合装置
automatic gyro pilot 自动舵
Automatic Gyro-theodolite 自动陀螺经纬仪
auxiliary gyro 辅回转仪
azimuth gyro 方位回转仪
bearing per gyro compass 陀螺方位; 陀螺罗经方位